Saturday, January 15, 2011

...a quick visit

...I did not miss yesterday...took this shot but just could not post it until now.  Friday was a busy day and as I stood in the park looking for an interesting subject I looked up and saw this beautiful tree.  Hyde Park has some amazing trees...I think this is a paperbark but I will spend some time over the next couple of weeks researching the trees and trying to get some good shots...enjoy.

...such beautiful bark.

1 comment:

zalira7 said...

Great to catch up on your last week of project 365..have been in Brisbane for 6 days (tragic and heroic ..proud to be an Aussie and a Queenslander !) Your images show such diversity in the Park. Love the idea of Know Your Neighbour and look forward to more images and info. Trust Macquarie to have played a part in St Mary's !