Friday, December 24, 2010

...last entry for 2010

Well this will be my last 'practise post'.  I am pretty happy with 365's look and have had some constructive feedback.  I am glad I had a trial run because it was a bit trickier than I thought it would be. I am also a bit more aware of the discipline needed to do a 365 blog.

 I thought it might be a good idea to get one more photo for 2010...maybe 'happy' people in funny Christmas groups enjoying Christmas Eve....the Christmas tree ....the lights. There is lots  happening this afternoon in the park but I decided to leave the Christmas theme to next year.

Instead I have a pic of this couple...dead to the world...unaware of the celebrations going on around them...maybe one to many Christmas cheer drinks or maybe they have just arrived from overseas and have no where to stay.  What I like most about this scene is the way the bags are just dumped. I wonder what their story is...and that is why I love Hyde many stories.

see ya on 1-1-11

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